
Mooroopna And District , Mates On Bikes
known as "MAD MOB" welcomes you to our site.
The goal of this group is to promote an increased level of enthusiasm for motorcycle riding..mateship... and fun.
Information about coming rides, rides that have taken place, and members comments can be found on this site.

Sunday, September 30, 2012


As I have mentioned before in this blog the ride to Port Albert goes thru some of the best riding country in Victoria and we enjoyed it all. After meeting at the BP in Mooroopna 7 bikes headed off and made our way to Healsville for lunch and to pick up another rider, from there we ventured across to Warragul and down toward the coast. According to my memory we had not been on some of the roads we travelled but definitely will again the next time we are down that way. As it was getting very chilly and light was fading when we arrived at The Port Albert Hotel it was straight to the fire for me to get a bit of warmth back into these old bones and then settle in for a very good night. Next morning we set off for home this time we had Spoofy at the lead so we all followed taking in the scenery as we went, some of this country is stunning this time of year. Lunch was at a little pub on the Reefton Spur and not long  after we had left from there we ran into a bit of cold rain and then some hail that is when things became a bit slippery, but the weather soon cleared thank goodness, and the rest of the way was fine. Believe this if you can but--- no break downs--- no falling off--- no incidents at all- only one little" pucker moment" for Haggis when he rode over some wet bark and had a bit of a slip but other than that ---all good . Bird

1 comment:

  1. Loved the ride! Great pub, great company. I've never seen that power station at Traralgon before... Coming 'round the corner and seeing that massive structure there was unbelievable. Like something off a Pink Floyd album cover!
