
Mooroopna And District , Mates On Bikes
known as "MAD MOB" welcomes you to our site.
The goal of this group is to promote an increased level of enthusiasm for motorcycle riding..mateship... and fun.
Information about coming rides, rides that have taken place, and members comments can be found on this site.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Prior commitments and cold weather had a fair impact on numbers for this overnighter with only 3 members available for the trip. Things went from bad to worse when only 2 members made it to the Mooroopna BP because Lucky Dave’s bike needed a bit of attention. So Webby and I met him at Carlo’s place where the old Dyna was getting some much needed love.
From there we left towards Dookie but only made it as far as Cosgrove Golf Course before my sporty decided it was too cold and gave up. Bird turned up and trailered her back home while I jumped on the back with “windbreak” Webb. By this stage we were about 2 hours behind so we took off through Wangaratta, stopping at the Buffalo Brewery/Boorhamam Hotel just out the other side. This pub brews its own “beer” and we decided to give a couple a try. In search of some lunch and decent tasting draught we rode towards Howlong and stopped at the bakery and had some delicious pies. From there it was straight through to Mitta where the new Pommy publican and his Albury born misses greeted us. We all had Wagyu steak for tea and it was awesome! To cut a long story short, it was a pretty good albeit quiet and laid back night.
In the morning we headed to Dartmouth Dam which is an eye opener for anyone who’s never seen it, like myself. Then we checked out some caravan parks and motels in the area for future trips and headed back through Albury and rode up the Old Olympic to Gerogery and stopped in at the little pub there, meeting Webby’s brother in Law for a drink before heading to Corowa. Dave showed one of our feathered friends his footy skills by delivering a severe hip and shoulder at 100k’s which sent feathers and bird flying in different directions. We stopped at the Royal in Corowa for a good sized lunch. That’s when a young lady, employed by the pub, reversed into Webby’s bike and knocked it over. Fortunately only minor damage was done but numbers were exchanged before we set off for our last stop, Katty Pub. Webby’s mirror fell to bits on the way which must have been caused by the fall earlier. All damage and failures aside, everyone got home safe after a good weekend.
Next ride is a ladies ride on the 1st of September.

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