
Mooroopna And District , Mates On Bikes
known as "MAD MOB" welcomes you to our site.
The goal of this group is to promote an increased level of enthusiasm for motorcycle riding..mateship... and fun.
Information about coming rides, rides that have taken place, and members comments can be found on this site.

Monday, October 22, 2012


As I unlocked the shed on Saturday morning I had a little glance around at the sky above and thought what a great day. I rolled my bike out and packed my gear on and off I went to meet the boys at the Mooroopna BP. It was good to see they were all there and keen to go, so after the usual banter we set off---- No hang on a minute there---- not the usual banter, did I forgot to mention that our V.P. and his wife Jodie are now grandparents? Their daughter presented the Webb family with a bonnie 9lb 7oz baby boy named Oliver on Wednesday 17th Oct, both are recovering well after the ordeal and mum and baby are doing fine as well. So with all in tow we set off for a Kevington, I had tried to include a bit of interesting riding country in our route there with the inclusion of Strath Creek, Flowerdale for lunch, then Molesworth to Alexandra to Eildon where we stopped for re hydration , then over the winding road to Jamieson and then on to Kevington. Once again we were greeted by friendly staff and publican and had a very good night meeting up with some like minded riders from Griffith. Webby had invited a guest along but the poor bugger didn't know that every guest Webby has brought so far has come to grief and fallen off during the ride ---and -- you guest it-- the curse still exists because after we all set off the next morning and only a few corner's from the hotel ... splat.. down went the new guy Tim, but thank goodness he was not hurt seriously. It seems things just didn't go as planned when trying to take a corner and he and his bike had a little lay down on a soft piece of dirt beside the road. Gaffer tape is a wonderful thing in situations like this and with the indicator and instruments held in place and a bit of confidence building we were off again and I am pleased to say there were no more incidents and Tim was able to have a bit of a laugh at himself later in the day. We came home via Whittfield , which is very pretty this time of year, then on to Wangaratta, up over "the Warby Range" and our last stop was at Thoona before heading home. Great ride . Bird


  1. You can get nobbies for those Kwakkas on ebay... cheap too! (0.o)

  2. Hey! Not everyone I've invited has had an off! Trevor kept himself upright and so did Paul. Haha
    Tim's looking forward to joining us on another ride to show he can keep it tidy and upright. Webby
