
Mooroopna And District , Mates On Bikes
known as "MAD MOB" welcomes you to our site.
The goal of this group is to promote an increased level of enthusiasm for motorcycle riding..mateship... and fun.
Information about coming rides, rides that have taken place, and members comments can be found on this site.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

TRENTHAM RIDE 18th &19th MAY 2013

Yep it was pretty damn cool when we set off on our annual May ride to Trentham, but if you were rugged correctly in all the right places it was still quite comfy.Our leader for the day was Webby, so with 8 with bikes in close persuit we headed of to Nagambie for a coffee and a warm up, then across to Heathcote for a very nice lunch. Webby had planned to take us on a bit of a scenic route to Trentham but as we got closer the clouds seemed to turn a bit darker and the air became very chilly so a very wise decicion was made to go straight to the Trentham Hotel where we got got settled in. We walked into the bar and  Boots said "Bloody hell it is not quite 3 o'clock, I'll be pissed by 8 and in bed" and to the letter ... you guessed it.... he was both. The rest of us had a good nights fun with a lot of laughs and a lot of stirring and not that late of a bed time, but it was in the morning when things changed . It seems after 10 hours of beauty sleep someone woke up full of beans and mischief, first it was up and down the hallway banging on bedroom doors wanting everyone to get up , then while across the road in a bakery having breakfast  Boots managed to bribe a very young and pretty waitress to give him a cuddle in front of all the boys, and she did. It was just as the sun was finally breaking through the fog that we decide to leave but the kwaka wouldn't start...again.. so up and down and up and down and up and down the street we pushed this bitch of a thing until finally it went, once it was going it caused no more problems for the day and I believe that it is getting a rebuild in the next couple of months.From this point the ride home was all good with everyone making it home nice and early probably a good thing in May weather. Bird


  1. Ummm there was that small incident with Webby's air filter cover coming off and Spoofy running over it. LOL
    That was one piece of mangled chrome after that. I was glad to hear the bikes come up the drive. Cheers Jodie

  2. And there was an '07 Cross Bones that didn't want to accelerate on the way home too... And as for that bloody quakka... I'm still rooted from trying to push it!!!
