
Mooroopna And District , Mates On Bikes
known as "MAD MOB" welcomes you to our site.
The goal of this group is to promote an increased level of enthusiasm for motorcycle riding..mateship... and fun.
Information about coming rides, rides that have taken place, and members comments can be found on this site.

Friday, May 17, 2013


Grover had brought along a guest for this ride, some of us had met Ronny before but those who hadn't quickly made him welcome. Ronny has a story and I hope he doesn't mind me sharing it with you , Ronny had a stroke not long ago which left him with some weakness in one side and some loss of vision in one eye, the vision loss is more peripheral than straight ahead but he has learnt to adjust for it, I say " power to him for still riding his Harley" and riding it very well too. Just quickly, I don't think she minds too much but Jodie was the only girl to attend the ride again. Well we were all ready to leave when a phone call informed us that Tim wasn't going to be able to come because his bike wouldn't start ... again.. so it was decided that we drop by his place on the way... which is not on the way by the way.. to see if we could help get it going. " Let's push start it "some one said, so Pugs and Bird started to push it down the street and the fucking thing wouldn't start, clutched it at 5 metres.. nothing,.. then again at 10 metres... nothing.... again at 15 metres... a small pop .... Bird ran out of puff at 16 metres.. Pugs dug deep for 2 metres more... and bloody came to life, you were so lucky Tim, ' cause if it didn't fire then you would have had to push it back yourself  as I am sure neither Pugs or me had any energy left to push it again. Fit aren't we? So off we all went  to Euroa where we bumped into some more Shepp  riders and after a chat we headed off to Tolmie for lunch and a terrific feed it is too, from there we headed to Glenrowan then home to Mooroopna. On reflection on the ride it is a damn good one , form Euroa then up thru the hills and down again to Glenrowan is all good riding country. We will do it again one day. Hope those who went enjoyed it too. Bird.

1 comment:

  1. No Bird, I don't mind being the thorn amongst the roses. Lol. It was a fantastic ride through to Tolmie. Lots of winding road just the way I like it. Lets not forget Haggis' small starting problem too. You boys need to start a fitness program if these bikes keep playing up. Haha.
