
Mooroopna And District , Mates On Bikes
known as "MAD MOB" welcomes you to our site.
The goal of this group is to promote an increased level of enthusiasm for motorcycle riding..mateship... and fun.
Information about coming rides, rides that have taken place, and members comments can be found on this site.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day Ride to Healsville on April 6th

  7 bikes turned up at the Mooroopna Bp in perfect riding weather for a day ride  to Healsville. Spoofy had put his hand up to lead this one and had it organised to the finest detail, well almost.
We all set off for the first leg of the trip which was to the bakery in Euroa, from there we next stopped at Alexandera for drinks and then on to Healsville for lunch. Through the Tollangi Forest, King Lake and stopping at Flowerdale Hotel was the first part of the way home and to that point, although we had not been lost , our leader for the day had tried to take us on 2 wrong turns and nearly went past the Flowerdale Hotel  even with the 2metre high sign, but we got there that's the main thing. After our drinks break we then went on to Nagambie, this was when we heard the first rumblings of "my sore bum" from one of the lady pillions, later on it is believed to have got to "Take me home first my bum is so sore" LOL. It turned out to be a fairly big ride but through some very pretty country and forests so it was all worth while and very enjoyable. Thanks go to Spoofy for taking the ride and good to see Jenny and Jodie were able to come along too. Bird


  1. Spoofy you did a great job with today's ride. Beautiful scenery and equally great roads. Hopefully the feeling will return to my backside sometime soon. Lol
    Thanks Jod

  2. Thanks Jodi...

    I was never lost... Just adding a few extra minutes to the route here and there so we didn't get home too early!!! Planning is everythign ya know!! O.o
