
Mooroopna And District , Mates On Bikes
known as "MAD MOB" welcomes you to our site.
The goal of this group is to promote an increased level of enthusiasm for motorcycle riding..mateship... and fun.
Information about coming rides, rides that have taken place, and members comments can be found on this site.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

XMAS 2011

WOW 2011 is fast drawing to a close. It has been a good year for the Mad Mob, most things have been on the up and with continued enthusiasm and a bit of effort I am sure that 2012 will be even better. Religion is not the high point for me about Xmas, I feel Xmas is more about catching up with family and old friends and keeping the little kids dreams alive. So to all the members of the Mad Mob and those associated and the families of all, we wish you all the best for the Xmas period and may 2012 be worry free. Bird & Sue. xx

Thursday, November 10, 2011


On the 19 th of November at 10am we headed off to Jameson. Six riders had turned up for what turned out to be a very good ride with a bit a everything thrown in. Our first stop was the Thoona Hotel from there it was over the Warby Rangers, funny thing happened on the ride over the Rangers, can't say too much but.... there is a Ducati rider out there some where with a slightly bruised ego after being passed " in the bends if you don't mind" by two older guys on two older harleys. lol. We went thru Wangaratta, Whitfield and stopped at Tolmie for lunch, we had rain from that point on until we arrived at Jameson. Hotel was very good, the night was enjoyable, breakfast was good, but the ride home, that was terrific. Having never been on the road from Jameson to Eildon since it has been sealed I was very keen to try it to see what it is like, apart from having a lot of tree debris on it from recent rain on wind the road has heaps of appeal and I will definitely be using it in the future. And then we come to the bit about "LUCKY" Dave, you see we had to leave poor ol" Dave behind.. again.. seems his bike just couldn't cut it and shat out a rear wheel bearing but wouldn't you know it , it was discovered right in front of the Molesworth Hotel, never seen a guy so happy to be left behind before.. go figure. His son kindly came with trailer and picked him up, told us later that he couldn't shut the Old Man up on the way home. The rest of us finished the ride safe. In all it was a very good ride. What did you think of the ride? Bird

Friday, October 28, 2011


Well what can we say about this ride? It was and will be again one of the most scenic rides that we go on. I marvel at the way the forests have recovered from the "Black Saturday" fires and I am also saddened to see the loss of so many of those great Mountain Ashe trees. Saturday was a mixture of riding conditions with rain falling in the middle part of our trip making the ride thru the "Reefton Spur" area difficult to say the least. Such was the concentration needed to stay on the wet and sometimes slippery roads that some of us didn't get to take in much of the scenery, but once we got past Marysville the rain stopped, the rain cleared, the roads dried out and we had a bit fun on the way into Eildon. The motel we stay at has some wonderful views of the Pondage and surrounding hills and makes it a very pleasant place to camp. We had a fairly quiet night and the next morning after a hearty breakfast we set off for a look at the weir and then made our way home on what turned out to be a good riding track. Thank goodness for all we made it home this time with no mishaps. P.S. Welcome and congratulations to Dean "Spoofy" Cummins on his nomination to join "Mad Mob" and I wish him well. Bird.

Monday, October 3, 2011


Still one of my favourite rides especially when we include travelling over Whitfield, it makes it a fairly big day of riding but well worth the effort. With 8 bikes we had a very good trip, except for one mishap with "lucky" Dave being in the wrong place at just the right time to be hit by a tail light that came off my bike smashing into his headlight and just catching him in the leg. After retrieving the taillight with number plate attached we all realised just how much damage this missile could have done and I for one was very thankful it did only hit his light and not Dave or anyone else, the offending light has been secured never to come off again. The rest of the trip was excellent with everything a rider loves and the hotel waiting at the end of the ride is very comfy, the publican is friendly and welcoming and we brought our own company so we know that is good too. The next day was a pretty good ride as well with everyone getting home safe and sound. I hope everyone enjoyed the ride. Bird

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Grover has invited all members and associates to his memorial ride for his very close mate "Mick"who he unfortunately lost as a result of a heart attack. Mick and Grover used to ride together regularly and Grover would like us to share in his celebration to the memory of his mate. The ride will leave Mooroopna BP at 10.30 am on Saturday 10th of September followed by a after party BBQ at Grover's shed, you can ring Grover on 0419363109 for more info.


Luck was on our side this weekend with some great weather predicted for both days which was far better than what we had been having previous to this. We had 9 bikes in the group which set off from Mooroopna and headed for our first stop at Yarrawonga where we picked up 2 more riders and after a short coffee break we headed for Barnawartha for lunch. This is where the ride really starts to become what most riders look for with rolling corners and great views off a very full Hume Wier on one side and the greens hills on the other. After a fuel stop at Tallangatta we had the 30k run to Koetong Hotel where we picked up 2 more riders and did the final run to the Walwa Hotel where we stayed the night. It was good to kick back and relax with a few beers and listen to chat about the days ride. The next day was more of the same with the added trip over the Granya Gap and on for lunch at Yackandandah which was a memorable one, pie and chips? more like rock cake and fries. It was good to see 3 new riders on this trip, all commented on what a great ride it is and one even said " if anyone doesn't like that ride they should sell their bike, buy a scooter and ride around town."

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Our second birthday party was a big success all round. The spit roast worked out just fine thanks to the efforts of Grover and Gundy, the veggies were damn fine thanks to Buzz and the deserts were yum thanks to all the girls. Laughs were the order of the night with some pretty funny stuff going on. We created a new extreme sport.... jackass cricket... cricket with a tennis ball fired from an orange gun at willing and brave young batsmen with most left with very painful welts on their legs from being hit. Our friend Budgie was very amusing with his "cousin it"impersonations and I think everyone there had a very good time. Thankyou to all who helped in making this night work. Bird

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

MAY 14th 15th 2011 RIDE TO TRENTHAM

Webby had done the ground work on the trip to Trentham and suggested we go there for our May ride so naturally we left all the organising up to him. Seven bikes left on what was a cloudy and very cool day. Our route took us to Nagambie, Heathcote, Kyeton and Trentham where we settled in at the hotel with a nice warm fire and good company for a very good nights fun. The next morning was very chilly but we had to get home, so rugged up we set of thru some pretty country toward Daylesford then Bendigo from there we came home thru Rushworth. Webby is to be congratulated on his organisation and leading the ride skills, both were faultless... well done.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


With some concern about the weather we headed off at 10 am with 6 bikes and 10 people on them. The first stop was at a little coffee shop in Avenel, from there we road to Molesworth Hotel where although we had to wait some time for a meal it was worth the wait. We had been very lucky with the weather and had only found wet roads, apart from a small shower just out of Euroa, but things were getting cool when we made our final stop at the Toolamba Hotel. After the final roll of the dice the winner of the money was Dean, from that point we all made our way back home. Thanks to Gundy for leading so well on the day and thank you to those who came along . Bird

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

ENSAY RIDE 19th-20th MARCH 2011

This was very much a members ride with not one guest coming along which was a big pity because it is such a good ride. We went in a clockwise direction this time which meant coming down Mt Hotham instead of going up. Our route up the mountain was done via Mt Bogong and Falls Creek with a stop at the historical little tavern called "The Blue Duck Inn". The fall down, dropped my bike, tumblers group has 2 new members with Gundy having a lay down at the service station in front of a bus full of women bush walkers ( how embarrassing?) and Eric letting his big bike having a rest on it's side at the top of Mt Hotham, ( it must have been tired from the climb) both happened at very very low speed so pleased to say " no riders were injured during these performances" only dented prides and a few scratches to the machines ( which can be oh so annoying). This ride has wonderful roads and scenery with a comfy hotel at the end and great company to spend it with.... can't do better than that. Bird

Monday, March 7, 2011


Well done Grover on an interesting ride. It took in some roads I have never been along before and one I will avoid always in the future. We stopped at a couple of places that were very impressive but I think the one at Seymour was the most pleasant ... very relaxing. Thank you to Grover for his efforts and thank you to the riders who came along. Bird

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


This year we are going to do a different ride than usual. We are going to Merrijig for lunch. The ride will leave from the BP servo in Mooroopna at 10am and we will travel thru Euroa, Merton, Mansfield and stop at the Merrijig Hotel for lunch. Coming home we will go a different way and stop at the Pine Lodge cemetery for a quick tribute, then final drinks at the Pine Lodge Hotel, from there we can make our way home. BIRD

Thursday, January 6, 2011

PORT ALBERT JAN 22---23 2011

Port Albert Hotel is a long way away but "what a ride". Along this trek there is all the kinds of riding anyone could want, and we had it all. We were warm , hot, cold, wet, tired, amazed by the views, stunned by the beauty, thrilled by corners, held in suspense by some riders off the road adventures, amused by the tumbling antics of those who did fall off, we were lost, then we were found, we were checked by the law but most of all we had fun and a very memorable trip. This was the most amount of riders that we have had on a ride ( 20) and the longest ride we have done but also one of the most successful. A big thank you to those who helped. ......BIRD

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Our sincere congratulations go out to Dave and Jenny on their engagement on Dec 25th and wish them all the happiness for the future. Dave must still be suffering after effects from head butting the hill at Dartmouth..... maybe.