
Mooroopna And District , Mates On Bikes
known as "MAD MOB" welcomes you to our site.
The goal of this group is to promote an increased level of enthusiasm for motorcycle riding..mateship... and fun.
Information about coming rides, rides that have taken place, and members comments can be found on this site.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

DEDERANG 20th 21st NOVEMBER 2010

This ride is starting to become one of my favourites it has everything a bike rider requires, good roads, lots of bends, hills, views, fast bits, technical bits, good pubs and a very comfortable place to stay when we get there. If you add the good company to that it is easy to see why I enjoy it so much. Ten bikes left Mooroopna on Saturday morning, 9 went all the way to the pub, 2 left early Sunday morning but one came back and stayed with us most of the way home, so it was a bit hard to remember how many we had at times. I suppose the best thing is that we all came home safe, some a bit sick but safe anyway. Cheers Bird

Friday, November 19, 2010


Our xmas get together will take place at the Toolamba Hotel on the 27 th of November starting at around 3pm with the bbq tea in the beer garden at about 6pm.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Should I keep doing this newsletter or is it just a waste of time and effort? I suppose a bit of feed back is what I am looking for to let me know that someone else besides me is reading it.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Dave and Jenny did a fine job of leading the ride ... most of the time..the venue was very good, the meal was fine and although we cut a bit of the ride off because of threatening rain clouds the track we took was interesting too. It was a very good turn out of 14 people with one new face being John"Blue" Sellwood from Undera way. Bloody Dave won the dice with a nice pickup of $110 so he had a good day all round, not the first time the arsey bugger has won our competions. Bird