
Mooroopna And District , Mates On Bikes
known as "MAD MOB" welcomes you to our site.
The goal of this group is to promote an increased level of enthusiasm for motorcycle riding..mateship... and fun.
Information about coming rides, rides that have taken place, and members comments can be found on this site.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

WALWA APRIL 17/18 2010

Yeah.. Walwa again, same old roads, same old pub, same old stories, same old lies, same dirty words, same blokes went, no one enjoyed themselves, no fun was had, no idea why we have been going there for 8 years........ Well that's what i tell other bike groups who ask.... but we know different.. ay? Bird


Ok i will take the blame for not realising this weekend is easter sunday, so this ride not happening.


The ride was planned to go thru the "Black Saturday Bushfire" areas on some of the best riding roads in Victoria, and so it did, and they are, even though a bit of the planned ride was deleted at the last moment due to some smart arse telling Bird that a section of road was sealed all the way thru but it wasn't so we went thru the "Black Spur " instead. Everything at the motel was more than satisfactory and the nights entertainment was a pool comp and bullshit session.... normal. Next day we were off to the Alexander Bike show then on to Euroa and final drinks and goodbyes at Toolamba. The usual crew went Bird,Webby,Grover,Stix,Eric and Gundy. I think Webby won the pool comp, the rolling dice $50 and the snorring award as well.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


For those who went the start of the day was interesting with weather reports ranging from flooded roads and creek crossings thru to sun shine all day. Yes we did have some rain for about 10k's just before Euroa but the rest of the ride was no problem at all. Bird, Grover,Eric, The Webbs, Dave and Jen all had a very good day out with The Webbs winning the "Rolling Run" down Merton Gap a good lunch at Yea, a couple of pub stops ,a stop to pay tribute to Fitzy at the site of his accident then to the Toolamba pub for final drinks and good byes, all in all a good relaxing day