
Mooroopna And District , Mates On Bikes
known as "MAD MOB" welcomes you to our site.
The goal of this group is to promote an increased level of enthusiasm for motorcycle riding..mateship... and fun.
Information about coming rides, rides that have taken place, and members comments can be found on this site.

Friday, December 24, 2010


What do you all think of this design? let me know.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


My gratulations go to Dave on becoming a full member last Friday 10th December. I am, as are all the members sure Dave will be an assett to the club in many ways and look forward to the future. Now we are 7. Bird

PORT ALBERT JANUARY 22nd 23rd 2011

First ride for 2011 will be a beauty thru some of the best riding available to bikers in Victoria. It will be 411 k's in distance, so it ain't no run to the shop. 15 beds are available at the pub at $25 per head. The pub happens to be right on the wharf which will be interesting, other than that can't tell you much more 'cause I have never been there. Please let me know if you are going to come along and ask a fellow bike rider who you think might enjoy it as well. Bird

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

DEDERANG 20th 21st NOVEMBER 2010

This ride is starting to become one of my favourites it has everything a bike rider requires, good roads, lots of bends, hills, views, fast bits, technical bits, good pubs and a very comfortable place to stay when we get there. If you add the good company to that it is easy to see why I enjoy it so much. Ten bikes left Mooroopna on Saturday morning, 9 went all the way to the pub, 2 left early Sunday morning but one came back and stayed with us most of the way home, so it was a bit hard to remember how many we had at times. I suppose the best thing is that we all came home safe, some a bit sick but safe anyway. Cheers Bird

Friday, November 19, 2010


Our xmas get together will take place at the Toolamba Hotel on the 27 th of November starting at around 3pm with the bbq tea in the beer garden at about 6pm.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Should I keep doing this newsletter or is it just a waste of time and effort? I suppose a bit of feed back is what I am looking for to let me know that someone else besides me is reading it.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Dave and Jenny did a fine job of leading the ride ... most of the time..the venue was very good, the meal was fine and although we cut a bit of the ride off because of threatening rain clouds the track we took was interesting too. It was a very good turn out of 14 people with one new face being John"Blue" Sellwood from Undera way. Bloody Dave won the dice with a nice pickup of $110 so he had a good day all round, not the first time the arsey bugger has won our competions. Bird

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

MITTA MITTA RIDE 23rd& 24th 2010

Mad Mob by name, Mad Mob by nature, and that we were setting off on Saturday in the rain, all 7 of us trusting that the weather would change for the better and it did. It is such a shame we live where we do as it takes so long to get to what is good riding country, but it is all worth it when we do. Green is the dominant colour and it is everywhere, some of the views of valleys and hillsides are post card stuff, and then we go rip tear arseing thru them making all sorts of noise... great stuff. Dave was able to revisit his accident site to rid him of old demons, and I am glad to report no new cases. We did however have one episode of a woman publican coming out of her pub to rant about riding in the wrong area outside her hotel, she then recieved our answer as 6 riders restarted their bikes and rode off to the next pub, leaving one behind who had already ordered and got his beer and he heard one of the locals say" That was well done, there goes a few pineapples".. meaning $50 notes she could have had. Turns out she is an ex-cop.. go figure. Our next stop was Mitta and everything was very good there and I am sure we will go back. Bird

Monday, September 27, 2010


This ride was previously cancelled due to floods and shit and with the Bathurst Super V8's on Sunday the ride was moved to the Saturday. Congrats to Webby and Jodie for organising a very good ride and i am sure they would have been happy with the turn up of 9 bikes (14 people) and everything going to plan. I had never been to Redesdale Hotel before but what a nice little pub it is. Thanks to those who went for making it was a great day. Bird

Monday, August 30, 2010


What a great trip, first of all we had the entrance of Gundy arriving on his brand spanking new Victory...... had a grin on his kisser like a rat with a gold tooth and so he should have, the colour, the looks, the sound and the preformance are all to be proud of..... but don't tell him i said that. Nine riders left and all came back so that was a good thing. The weather was very kind and we all know what happened in the footy. First trip away for Dean on his sporty and he said he enjoyed the whole weekend. At the pub it was probably better than i expected with the publican putting on some nibblies for us during the afternoon and some of the supporters were very entertaining to watch thus making it all good fun. Hope all who went had a good time too.Bird

Thursday, August 12, 2010




Gee it was soooo good to be out riding again and with a great turn up of 10 bikes with 15 bodies it was all the better. Eric was the leader for the day and with Helen directing him, we only made one missed turn for the day, so well done the pair of you. The tavern at Tatong has always been a good venue for a good meal and we were not disappointed this time either. It was pleasing to see John Baker on the ride... big effort as he had to leave Strathmerton at a much earlier time to get to Mooroopna at 10am and to Dean on his first ever ride on his recently bought 93' sporty. Well done to all, hope you all enjoyed your day enough to come next month when "the Webbs" lead us on their ride to Redesdale. Bird

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Time has gone by so quickly, it is hard to take in that one year has passed since we began this venture. Our party was a winner with every thing going to plan, the meal was very good, the deserts were great, the company was well behaved and all enjoyed the night. If I didn't personally thank those who did so well to make it a great night, thankyou to the members who all did their bit, to Gundy for his hearty soup, to Helen for the scolloped potatoes, to Jodie for the yummy deserts and to Gilly for doing the camp ovens. To Grover and his sons goes a special thanks for the use of their shed and their home for the party. Also to Gundy goes all our congratulations on becoming a full member of the club, Gundy has been a contributer of his time and his efforts toward the club for some time now with no expectations of anything in return. I for one will always remember the stunned look on his face when it was announced at the party of his invitation to join as a full member, which I am pleased to say that he accepted.So now we are 6.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


The weather was that good that I set off on the run with just a "t" shirt, jeans and a pair of thongs. Snug and warm watching these mad mates on bikes rumbling thru town and then pouring the power on down the highway made me wish my bike was going instead of being the "mule" carrying their packs in the car. With the group growing to 12 we made our first stop at Glenrowan.From there we headed south, winding our way thru the hills to the "TolmieTavern" where I had the priviledge of paying $15 for a hamburger, whinging about the cost until this tower of a burger arrived with a foot long skewer stuck thru it to hold it from falling over...great meal. Later that day we settled in at Kevington pub for a fun night, lots of laughs, music, bullshit, great food, pool and fun. Very different the next morning when it showed just who had partyed beyond their limits. Some were jolly, some were a bit doughy,some were very sick and one put on his little girls dress and made a line for home, were she slept for 5 hours on the couch. Every one else made it home safe, ending a great ride and a fun weekend. Thankyou all Bird

Thursday, March 18, 2010

WALWA APRIL 17/18 2010

Yeah.. Walwa again, same old roads, same old pub, same old stories, same old lies, same dirty words, same blokes went, no one enjoyed themselves, no fun was had, no idea why we have been going there for 8 years........ Well that's what i tell other bike groups who ask.... but we know different.. ay? Bird


Ok i will take the blame for not realising this weekend is easter sunday, so this ride not happening.


The ride was planned to go thru the "Black Saturday Bushfire" areas on some of the best riding roads in Victoria, and so it did, and they are, even though a bit of the planned ride was deleted at the last moment due to some smart arse telling Bird that a section of road was sealed all the way thru but it wasn't so we went thru the "Black Spur " instead. Everything at the motel was more than satisfactory and the nights entertainment was a pool comp and bullshit session.... normal. Next day we were off to the Alexander Bike show then on to Euroa and final drinks and goodbyes at Toolamba. The usual crew went Bird,Webby,Grover,Stix,Eric and Gundy. I think Webby won the pool comp, the rolling dice $50 and the snorring award as well.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


For those who went the start of the day was interesting with weather reports ranging from flooded roads and creek crossings thru to sun shine all day. Yes we did have some rain for about 10k's just before Euroa but the rest of the ride was no problem at all. Bird, Grover,Eric, The Webbs, Dave and Jen all had a very good day out with The Webbs winning the "Rolling Run" down Merton Gap a good lunch at Yea, a couple of pub stops ,a stop to pay tribute to Fitzy at the site of his accident then to the Toolamba pub for final drinks and good byes, all in all a good relaxing day

Friday, January 29, 2010

ENSAY RIDE 23...24..JAN...2010

This is the first time we have been to "The Little River Hotel" at Ensay, but I for one am absoulutely sure that it won't be our last trip there. A very good turn up of 12 riders, some familiar faces, some new. Bird brought two guests, brother Tom from Ballarat and big John Baker from Strathmerton. Finny brought two of his mates, "Bilge" and Mick Elliot, all seemed to have a good time and got on with all. Grover, Gilly, Gundy, Webby, Eric and Bourkie made up the rest. The "Fine Master" had a bit of work to do and collected from all the sinners just before we left on Sunday morning, and his little bag was a fair bit heavier after that. All in all, the ride there and back was very good , the pub and the owners were just fantastic, the meals and the cooked breakfast exceptional and the people who went......well all wanna go again.... so they must have been ok too. All 12 riders back safe so another bonus...well maybe one with battle scars, but rode home anyway, that's the important part. Thanks to all who helped on the ride . Bird