
Mooroopna And District , Mates On Bikes
known as "MAD MOB" welcomes you to our site.
The goal of this group is to promote an increased level of enthusiasm for motorcycle riding..mateship... and fun.
Information about coming rides, rides that have taken place, and members comments can be found on this site.

Monday, December 7, 2009


Well everyone, Xmas is just around the corner and with the festive season well and truly upon us it has been decided to give the riding a break for a while. Most of us have friends to catch up with, bbq's to go to and work breakup's etc, so we will leave the ride's until after the new year. I would like to wish everyone the very best of all things for this Xmas, and may 2010 be kind to you and your families. Keep safe ..... be kind. Bird and Sue

Monday, November 23, 2009

DEDERANG RIDE 21/22 Nov 2009

"Trust Me" seemed to be heard often over the weekend, always as a jibe directed at Bird for his statement of "Trust me it won't rain". Well rain it did and plenty of it, all day Saturday and most of the day Sunday peaking with a torrential down pour as we entered Yarrawonga, where the road was covered with water and visability was down to guesswork. Nearly all of the riders who went discovered flaws in their wet weather gear, so it was a good test for them. Apart from the flat tyre on Stix's bike the time at "THE RANGA" hotel was very entertaining and will definately be on the riding list for next year, the ride there, the rooms, the meals, the atmosphere are all tops and not to be missed. Thanks to Webby, Stix, Grover, Eric, Dave, Pecka, Gundy for making it a great weekend in spite of the weather..... Bird

Monday, November 16, 2009


What a great night, every one i have spoken to since enjoyed the whole thing. A big thankyou to "Poppy" for putting on a great spread again, and to everyone who turned up for supporting the raffles and the night in general.Bird

Friday, November 6, 2009


Sunny weather, more riders out and about and great to see too. 13 turned up.... which is our best roll up so far..... only 12 left, Kel's ride wouldn't start but unfortunately he had parked behind the big gas bottle and no one saw his trouble's. We have apoligised since and i think he has forgiven us ... just. It was a great day in all with lots of good riding country taking in, lots of good bantering between friends, lots of laughs, good food, no accidents, all safe and all back home. Very pleasing to see some new faces and we hope they come again. Bird

Thursday, October 22, 2009


As we had agreed we would all meet at the BP on saturday for a day ride. Grover, Gilly, Bird and Stix turned up but no Eric. It was decided that we would go over the Warby Ranges on our way to Bundalong Tavern, so off we went, but a short detour to see where Eric was found him still in his thongs and not looking like he was coming. A short chat and a few "come ons" and we were away with the assurance he would meet us there. The ride to the Tavern was fairly uneventful but the meal was fine and the company good, and to all our surprise who should arrive just in time to order his meal... Eric. After lunch we headed off to Tocumwal . On the way Bird got hit in the gobb by an insect that must of had footy boots on, and the result was a fat lip.... very fat, oh and very funny according to all present. Once back to Shepp every one went their own way home. When Bird got home looking for sympathy for his fat lip ,all he got from his missus was giggles and shit that looks sore..... bitch...just like the rest of you's who went. Bird

Monday, October 5, 2009


Didn't look great for a ride, heavy clouds, occasional showers, pretty shitty but with a few phone calls and a bit of coaxing, 9 brave people showed up for what turned out to be quite a good day, both ride wise and weather. First stop was the Euroa Hot Rod Show which has grown to be enormous, then it was decided that a short ride to the Violet Town hotel was a better idea than returning home the way we had come. Eric was appointed leader of this trek and what a fine stuff up he made of it too. First it was over the highway to a round about and back over the highway to the turn he should have taken , then as the group took the exit to Violet Town,Eric was seen disappearing down the highway, on his own, never to be seen again on this day. Drinks were had as we awaited our leaders return, but to no avail, no Eric. Dookie was announced as our next stop and with more than two corners to take,Bird took over from the missing Eric. Again a good little hotel with cold drinks, we waited, still no Eric. The Royal Mail in Mooroopna was the last port of call where we could all say our good byes, except for.... Eric, he was home by now telling his bride how we had left him no doubt. Bird

Monday, September 14, 2009


The Toolamba Hotel on Saturday night turned out to be a great success, 24 people turned up and enjoyed a terrific spread put on by Poppy and the staff at the pub. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for making it so, it was pleasing to see all of the partners, wifes and girlfriends of the group and I hope everyone enjoyed themselves. This will not be the last gathering and I am looking forward to many more. It has been mentioned by a few members that it would be a good venue to ride to with the girls on the bikes of a friday evenings for a few drinks and a meal, maybe this will be looked into. Bird

Monday, August 24, 2009

WALWA--AUGUST 22-23----2009

Well there we were, riding along in the sunshine,not a care, all having expectations of a great weekend. 8 riders ... 7 harleys and a red thing .. Bird, Webby,Grover,Eric, Stix,Finny,Dave and Viss.From the south, clouds started to build then the temperature dropped and by the time we got to Chiltern for lunch some big doop was complaining about the cold and had to stop in at Beechworth to buy a high viss orange top in size xxxl to keep warm. We all arrived at Walwa safe, Eric celebrated his arrival by digging a 180 wide trench in the pubs soft, slightly wet, back lawn, I knew road kings were good for something. Then we all settled in for a very warm and pleasant night. Leaving the next day it was fresh but still comfortable, there was a fog lifting and hanging just above the trees and as we cruised along the 100 ks of murray river valley it lifted and let in the sun . Pies were for lunch at Rutherglen, riders started to strip off the wet weather gear as they were getting too warm, beers at Katamatite, goodbyes were said and each went their own way home. I hope you all enjoyed the trip, I did.


Monday, August 3, 2009


Sunday the 2nd was the first sunday in the month,clouds were gathering and the temperature was around 13, but even these conditions could not deter the hardy, or maybe it was the silly from turning up. Roll call saw Webby and his daughter, an ill Stix, Grover, Bird, Kel and 3 guests, Gilly and his partner Kelly, and Bill on his brand new ultra with the lot. Coffee at Nagambie then on to Tooborac Hotel near Heathcote. This little hotel has a long history, but in recent times has been open and closed due to hard times but now seems to be thriving, with very good meals and pleasant service to go with some new renovations. After lunch it was on the winding road to Seymour,onto the freeway to Longwood hotel,a bit of refreshments then the bumpy track to the Toolamba Hotel where more social activities were partaken in. Goodbyes were said and each went their own way home. All in all not a bad way to spend a sunday. Next months ride will be on Sunday the 6th. See you then.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


These are the months when only the brave go out in the cold on a motorbike. Me .... i've been called a "Daffodil", which i take as meaning..... i only come out if the sun is shining.. and fair enough too. Last August a group of us went to kevington which wasn't too bad on the bike, so this August i think we shall go somewhere. Probably towards the end of August, any suggestions of where you would like to go will be noted, so speak up......Bird

Monday, May 25, 2009


It was great to see the sun shining and the weather predictions were all good. 5 riders turned up at the Mooroopna BP , Bird, Webby, Grover, Eric and a newbie to the bike scene ,Peter "Poppy" Warburton.The send off party consisted of one, Jodie Webb. First stop was at the Thoona Hotel, then over the Warby Ranges, thru Wangaratta and up to Whitfield for lunch. Bangers and mash were the pick for most and damn fine it was too. On the ride thru to Mansfield the bush was looking green with the recovery from the recent bush fires in full swing and the views were special and pleasing to see. Petrol at Mansfield, then a quick jaunt to the Kevington Pub, where the welcome was warm ,the accomadation was comfy, the food was excellent and the beers were cold. Pretty much everything you could ask for. Bloody cold ,was a good way to descibe the morning we left, but it warmed up very soon after and the ride home thru Yea , Seymore,Nagambie,Murchison and home for a coffee at Bird's was an end to a very pleasent weekend. All present and accounted for at the end, so even better............. Bird

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


'Twas a lovely day for a ride in the country, but unfortunatley, it was also Mother's Day. Many who could have come were visiting mum, so the roll up was just 4, but we had a nice ride, thru Nagambie to Heathcote ,where we had a $10 special lunch at one of the hotels, then on to Rushworth and home.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

DEDERANG RIDE.. MARCH 28---29 2009

Dederang. the turn out was a bit disappionting with only 4 riders present for what turned out to be an excellent trip. Bird, Kel, Grover and Eric left the shell servo in Shepp at about 9.15am for the boring ride to Benalla, where a coffee and breaky break was taken, onwards to Myrtelford then up wards to the top of Mt Buffalo, damn good ride for me , having never been there before.
Down for lunch at Bright, then up over the Tawonga pass, again great riding, then up to the top of Falls Creek thru Bogong, there's a big ass lake up there too, a look around and then down again roughly 30 k's down the road is a beaut little pub locals call " The Ranga". just our luck that the night we picked to be there, 25 of the local girls had decided to have a "cocktail party", can you believe that? What goes away...... stays away. Any way a good night was had by all , 12.45 am seemed the right time to hit the sack for most of us. All arived back home, a bit tired, a bit sore, but feeling good to have shared a great weekend with the best weather to boot.