
Mooroopna And District , Mates On Bikes
known as "MAD MOB" welcomes you to our site.
The goal of this group is to promote an increased level of enthusiasm for motorcycle riding..mateship... and fun.
Information about coming rides, rides that have taken place, and members comments can be found on this site.

Friday, March 14, 2014


Last year was the first time  that we had ridden to the Khancoban Bike Festival and we all had such a great time with the ride there being as good as any and the show they put on was terrific that we decided right there and then that we would return again next year. Well by the time March came around the powers that run the show had decided not to put it on due to lack of helpers needed, damn shame. Mad Mob are coming anyway and we are going to make our own fun.. fuckem. so we are booked into the pub and 10 blokes are leaving Sat morn I only hope it don't rain. Bird


I haven,t been attending to this site as I should so my apologies  to those who do take a look to see what we have been up to. February is a month where we plan a ride to somewhere with the proviso that the temperature does not exceed 34 c  it being the hottest month of the year and all. It was decided to make the ride to Omeo and so with the weather temp being forecast as 29c why not? sounds perfect, didn't it? Well who would have thought that in Feb you could get to go for a ride, in the middle of a drought mind you, in non stop rain, throw in a bit of sleet and very heavy wet fog for 99% of the time of the climb up to Omeo? NOT ME... How bloody wet were we by the time we arrived at the Omeo pub... wet thru to my jocks but even so I still enjoyed getting out with the boys and having a good time regardless.After we had a hot shower and got into dry clothes all was good and the pub was most helpful with heaters to help dry our gear so we settled in for a pleasant night. Next day was much better and we set off coming back over Falls Creek to Mt Beauty for lunch and from there to Mertylford and on to home.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

XMAS 2013

It was pleasing to see a great turn up for our Xmas tea at the Pepper Mill Inn and I hope you all had a good time. From Me and Mine we'd like to take this chance to wish You and Yours all the best for the coming Xmas and that 2014 be a year of good luck and the making of happy memories for you, your family and your friends. God Bless.


Some people don't get what it is about looking forward to this weekend but I do and so do the others who were able to get away. "The Webster" had gone up to the river early to find a good spot to camp and lucky he did because things were pretty crowded due to most of the tracks being closed "go figure". The luckiest angler amongst us was Tim who got a beauty that measured 850 ml, a great fish, while all others managed to catch cod sadly they were under size and had to be released . Apart from the bloody wind not letting up it was a good weekend.


The November ride was the first time the girls have been invited along for one our overnight rides and by all reports the girls made the best of it and had a great time. I was absent from this ride so can only go on what I have heard but evidently they had a bit of rain along the way mixed with some lovely sunshine some great scenery and very good riding roads.

Monday, October 7, 2013


 After a phone call to the Mitta Hotel it was discovered that the hotel was under renovations so a ring around other pubs discovered the Cudgewa Hotel could provide the accommodation and beverages required and having never been there that was a good reason to give it a try. The Cudgewa Hotel is in the same sort of area as Mitta but in a different valley. We met at the usual place and all 7 set off for what turned out to be a very good weekend. The publican was very welcoming, the meals were good, the locals were a lot of fun with one standing out from the rest and that was our little mate Joe who only lives 20 mins away. All in all a great trip.


It was a pretty good roll up for this ride with 12 people coming along. Something that was very pleasing to see was the return of Haggis's bike to the ranks this time it had the new very proud owners on board in Tim and his wife Laurell, well done guys and may you enjoy riding it for many years. Organising the ride was left up to Boots and he did a fine job taking us first to the Big Strawberry at Koonamooo where we had a coffee and tucked into a few strawberry tarts etc. Yarrawonga via Tocumawal was the next  stop and then the short trip to the Tavern for Lunch. Heading back took in the Warby Ranges, Dookie and from there we said our goodbyes' and went our own way home. Bird